International Day of Peace

On Thursday 21st September representatives from Portway Junior School joined other schools from within Andover at Andover Trees, in Harmony Woods to celebrate International Peace Day. As a Jane Goodall Roots and Shoots school, we were invited to mark the day by flying a Dove, the widely recognised symbol of peace, through the forest. We were then guided to the centre of the forest where we decorated paper doves and shards of wood. The doves were then hung in the ‘Oak Circle’ and the shards of wood placed around a tree which was earlier planted by the Mayor of Andover. 

The children were fantastic representatives for the school and as ever, wore the uniform with pride. We are proud to be Portway and will continue to attend events such as this, as citizens of our world, and our commitment to community projects. 
Thank you to Mr Pearmain for arranging the trip.