
We are delighted to be able to share the letter from our latest visit from OfSTED, which confirms we are a ‘good’ school. The letter highlights many areas of strength across the school and recognises that we know our school well and have clearly identified areas for continuing improvements. It was particularly pleasing that the inspector felt that the curriculum was “broad, balanced and exciting.’

2019 Ofsted Report

Quotes From Inspection

  • The leadership team has maintained a good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Together with your deputy headteacher, you have high expectations for both your pupils and staff.
  • Pupils love many aspects of life at Portway Juniors, including the playground adventure trail and after-school clubs, such as the popular ‘Glee’ club. They especially enjoy trying to beat their ‘personal best’ in the daily mile run.
  • Pupils love many aspects of life at Portway Juniors, including the playground adventure trail and after-school clubs, such as the popular ‘Glee’ club. They especially enjoy trying to beat their ‘personal best’ in the daily mile run.
  • As one parent commented, ‘My children have flourished by being at this school and always want to come to school to learn.’ Parents value how caring and approachable the staff are.
  • ‘Portway Junior School ticks every box when it comes to parental engagement and making everyone feel welcome.
  • Strong communication between the safeguarding team, other staff and external agencies ensures that nothing is missed. There is a culture of high vigilance and care at Portway Junior School.
  • The emotional and mental well-being of pupils are equally important to leaders. Pupils told me they could talk openly and honestly to staff and they will always be listened to.
  • The use of additional funding for disadvantaged pupils in the school is effective. Leaders have established a clear strategy and, as a result, disadvantaged pupils make good progress academically, emotionally and socially. 

Message From The Head

Many thanks for all of the lovely messages we have received. They have been shared with staff and are much appreciated. We are very pleased with the outcome of our inspection and we would like to thank the staff, parents, governors and everyone involved with the school for their commitment, hard work and dedication. We are looking forward to continuing our good work and improving our school even further.